2007. I love how we look so happy here.
2008. Turnout was rather disappointing =(
Hope to see more people this year/later!
Note to self: do not forget choir gown and pearl necklace
Christmas eve was spent with mummy dearest roaming the streets of Orchard. So lo-mantic hor. Okay I know it's a bit suicidal to go to town on this kinda occasion. But there's always a first time (and a last time), right? And I'm more broke than ever now. But hope that mummy enjoyed herself!
We headed home after a late dinner (xiao long baos rock!). And here I am, spending the 20th Christmas, alone, typing this entry.
No, I'm not emo-ing. Just feeling a little.. lonely? Guess it's the festive season. As I saw the many couples filling the streets tonight, I wonder when I will be able to spend this special day, and many many other special days, with that special someone. Will my Prince Charming ever be here?
Mummy is getting anxious. My relatives are beginning to bug me with the questions they used to bug my elder cousins with -_- I will always tell them that I'm too busy with school. Well, that is the truth, not an excuse, by the way.
But sometimes you can't help but yearn for someone who will be there to give you a warm hug when you feel sad. I guess this is one of those times.
I wonder whose problem is it. Is it mine? Or is it theirs? Okay. I think it's me. I always fall for the wrong people. I choose to like the one who can never be mine instead of the one who likes me. People laugh at me for being stupid. I think I'm stupid too cos I do so many stupid things for them.
Simsim said that I have to consult her before I do anything major in future. Yes, Sim.
To (non-existent) Prince Charming:
I shall end this entry here (very abruptly) lest I start sounding like a despo (okay, I actually already do sound like one).
Alrighty. Have a Happy Xmas! *throws candy canes and confetti at imaginary readers*
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