The reason why SENS' music is so captivating lies in their ability to string a few simple notes into a beautiful yet heart-wrenching melody.
I should stop letting my brain slip into idle mode by doing constructive things. Because when the mind starts wandering, it starts recollecting the painful and saddest memories. Subsequently, it triggers the heart to fall into the bottomless well of the emo mode.
Today, I discovered the emails again. I thought I've deleted them. Because the last time when I tried to find them, they were nowhere in sight. I knew I wouldn't be so cold-hearted to have deleted them on the spur of the moment. I knew I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I visited Dou Dou with mummy this morning. This boy is gonna grow up to be a real terror next time. He seriously can't sit still for a second. And he likes my handphone so much that he refused to return it to me -_-
Today, I realise that my knowledge of nursery rhymes is beyond hopeless. I ran out of songs to sing to him to stop him from crying. I was so terrified because his cries just crescendo-ed T__T
But Dou Dou also smiled a lot today. I like smiley babies =) He likes to hear people call his name.
I love Baby Blues comics. They never fail to crack me up.
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