Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last minute hug Buddha's leg

Not the first time this kinda thing is happening -_-

Time check: 56 hours to the 1st paper =s

Sometimes I really feel like shooting myself for procrastinating so much. I think the more stuff I have on hand, the more lazy I get. Weird huh.

It's going to take more than a miracle for me to finish studying for my exams and more than 56875946 miracles for me to do decently this time. Where are you, my motivation? And where are you my non-existent smarty brain cells? =(

Anyway, mao mao (translates: Fluffy) is limping again. This time the limp is quite bad. Poor mao mao. Praying hard that nothing's wrong with his hand (leg).


My cousin's given birth. I want to see the babyyyyy. According to my mum, the boy looks as cute as a hamburger. Uhh. If someone describes me like that I'm not sure if I'll be happy. But I think she meant to say it has chubby cheeks like a hammie. Sounds cute enough. HEHE.

It's amazing how my relatives can predict how smart the baby is going to be in future based on his looks. Mum said that he has straight eyebrows and thick ears, which means that he's gonna be a clever boy next time. Really meh? I had straight eyebrows but how come I still can't do my thermoDIE and fluid MAD questions? =(


My friend asked me why I looked so sad. Actually, I think that's just my default look.

Okay, back to baby. He is temporarily named Dou Dou until his parents think of a name for him. So cute! Sounds like a potential name for my child next time hehehe. Anyway, my mum casually mentioned to the father that the baby's hairline is in the shape of a 'M'. He explained that that's because my cousin had MacDonald's every night when she was carrying Dou Dou -_-


So many things to do after exams. This holiday, I'm going to COOK. Wahahaha. But first, maybe I should buy insurance to cover the kitchen. Hmm. Need to get back my exercising momentum too. I feel like an old woman now. Not to forget caroling! Can't wait! But for now, it's back to books =(

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